Further reading and web links: Chapter 15

Further reading and web links: Chapter 15

Owen Bowcott, ‘UK Bill of Rights delayed further by Brexit and supreme court case’ The Guardian (London, 9 December 2016), https://www.theguardian.com/law/2016/dec/09/uk-bill-of-rights-delayed-further-brexit-supreme-court-case-jeremy-wright

Vernon Bogdanor, The New British Constitution (Hart Publishing, 2009), Chapter 3

Conservative Party, ‘Protecting Human Rights in the UK: The Conservatives’ Proposals for Changing Britain’s Human Rights Laws’ (Conservative Party, 2014

Mark Elliott, ‘Human Rights Reform and the Role of the Strasbourg Court’ (UK Constitutional Law Association, 23 July 2014), https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2014/07/23/mark-elliott-human-rights-reform-and-the-role-of-the-strasbourg-court/

Conor Gearty, ‘The Human Rights Act Should Not Be Repealed’ (UK Constitutional Law Association, 17 September 2016), https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2016/09/17/conor-gearty-the-human-rights-act-should-not-be-repealed/

Elizabeth Wicks, The Evolution of a Constitution: Eight Key Moments in British Constitutional History (Hart Publishing, 2006), Chapter 6

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