Further reading and web links: Chapter 14

Further reading and web links: Chapter 14

Joe Tomlinson, ‘The Policy and Politics of Building Tribunals for a Digital Age: How “Design Thinking” Is Shaping the Future of the Public Law System’, UK Constitutional Law Association Blog (21 July 2017) https://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2017/07/21/joe-tomlinson-the-policy-and-politics-of-building-tribunals-for-a-digital-age-how-design-thinking-is-shaping-the-future-of-the-public-law-system/

Emma Norris and Marcus Shepheard, ‘How public inquires can lead to change (Institute for Government, 2017) https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/publications/how-public-inquiries-can-lead-change

Mark Elliot ‘Discarding the fig-leaf of analytical reasoning? The Hutton case and the law/fact distinction’ (Public Law for Everyone, 24 March 2017) https://publiclawforeveryone.com/2017/03/24/cica-v-hutton-the-lawfact-distinction-and-the-opportunities-and-risks-of-post-analytical-reasoning/

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