- Mark Elliott, ‘Unison in the Supreme Court: Tribunal Fees, Constitutional Rights and the Rule of Law’ (Public Law for Everyone, 26 July 2017)
- Mark Elliott, ‘Bourgass in the Supreme Court: Solitary Confinement, the Carltona Doctrine and Procedural Fairness’ (Public Law for Everyone, 29 July 2015),
- Thomas Fairclough, ‘Evans v Attorney General [2015]: The Underlying Normativity of Constitutional Disagreement’ in Satvinder Juss and Maurice Sunkin (eds.) Landmark Cases in Public Law (Hart Publishing 2017), 285
- Jeffrey Jowell, ‘The Rule of Law’s Long Arm: Uncommunicated Decisions’ (2004) Public Law 246
- Adam Tomkins and Paul Scott, Entick v Carrington: 250 years of the Rule of Law (Hart Publishing, 2015)