Chapter 11 Multiple choice questions

Quiz Content

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. What is judicial review?

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. What form of accountability is ensured through the judicial review process?

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. Which of the following principles helps determine whether an applicant has sufficient interest to bring a claim for judicial review?

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. In hearing judicial review cases, the courts are exercising an appellate jurisdiction. True or false?

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. Which case concerned an application for judicial review of the UK government's decision to ratify the Protocol on Social Policy (part of the Treaty on European Union)?

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. In R v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex p Rose Theatre Trust, was standing granted?

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. In which of the following cases was the institution reviewed found to be a public body, even though it was not created by statute or exercise of the prerogative?

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. Where is the procedure for judicial review applications set out?

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. Lord Diplock's decision in O'Reilly v Mackman has been limited since the case. Is this true or false?

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. Which of the following is not a prerogative remedy?

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