Chapter 5 Multiple choice questions

Chapter 5 Multiple choice questions

Quiz Content

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. Which of the following statements is correct?

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. Which of the following sections defines bad character evidence?

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. Which of the following statements is correct?

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. T is on trial for rape. He gives testimony in his own defence and states that the claimant had consented. He has no criminal record and no prior reprehensible conduct alleged, admitted or proven. How should the judge direct on his character?

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. S101(1) CJA 2003 contains seven 'gateways' to admissibility of bad character evidence of the defendant. Which of the following statutory sections is correctly cited in the four 'gateways' below?

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. Which of the following statements about s98 Criminal Justice Act 2003 is correct in its reference to behaviour of the defendant which is not included in the definition of his bad character?

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. There are a number of differences between the admissibility of what was called 'similar fact' evidence under the common law and the statutory provision under the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (CJA) concerning the propensity to commit offences of the same kind. Which of the following statements is correct?

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. Andrew is arrested and questioned about benefit fraud. At his pre- trial interview he wore a T shirt which proclaimed the logo that he was a 'FOOD BANK VOLUNTEER'. At his trial he wore a blazer which had across the pocket the inscription 'School Prefect'. Andrew has a conviction for shop lifting. The prosecution plan to demand admissibility of his prior conviction since A is creating a false impression. How should the judge direct?.

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. One of the gateways to the admissibility of the bad character evidence of the defendant is that he has made an attack on another person's character. From the following list select the provision that describes the current law as found in s101(1)(g) and s106 of CJA.

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. Jack is charged with burglary from Pamela's house. It is alleged he climbed in through the open window and stole bottles of wine. Jake denies the charge and says he was invited by Pamela to come round and watch an illicit pornographic film and that she later gave him the wine bottles to take away. At the trial may Pamela be cross-examined by the defence about the claim that she invited him to watch pornography?

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