
Quiz Content

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. Sir Arthur Eddington advanced the claim that every event in the universe was predictable.

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. Kierkegaard argued that one is responsible for whatever one was and that self-conscious choice and commitment were the factors that made a person most human.

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. Most contemporary philosophers believe in soft determinism, the view that human freedom and determinism are compatible positions.

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. Many scientists now agree that the concept of "cause" does not apply to certain subatomic particles, making the hard determinist view false.

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. Hume defended a soft determinist position.

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. Mill began by rejecting determinism and the idea that all human actions were "necessary and inevitable" given their causes.

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. Some feminists understand sexual objectification as the primary process of the subjection of women.

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. Kant denied determinism.

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. Fatalism is the view that whatever a person's actions and circumstances, his or her predetermined end is inevitable.

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. Oedipus the King is a literary exercise in exploring the freedom of the will and the notion that a predetermined end is impossible.

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. Soft determinism is also known as __________.

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. The view of many theologians that our every action is known by God is called __________.

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. Determinism is the thesis that every event has its __________ natural causes.

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. Sartre was a defender of __________.

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. Aristotle's view of __________ means factors unknown to the agent influences his or her choices.

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. In Buddhism, all human __________ are gestures of attachment to the physical world, each one binding its maker more and more to a difficult fate.

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. __________, or freedom, is not a freedom of the self or the individual. In fact, it is a freedom from the self and the individual, achieved only when there is no longer a self at all.

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. __________ is the view that our every action (and every event in the universe) is known, if not also caused in advance, by God.

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. The philosopher __________ had such confidence in the Newtonian system that he claimed that if he knew the location and motion of every object in the universe, he could predict the location and motion of every object in the universe at any time in the future.

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. According to __________, an act is compulsory "when its origin is without" such that the person who acts "contributes nothing to it."

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