Quiz Content

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. In the early modern period, most western Africans made a living as _____.

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. After the 7th century, Islam became dominant in the _____ region of Western Africa.

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. Animal husbandry was far more developed in Western Africa than in either Eurasia or the Americas.

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. In addition to the spread of Islam, the other catalyst for change in West Africa after the 8th century was _____.

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. The kingdoms of Mali and Songhai were both linked into the Mediterranean world via _____.

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. The arrival of Portuguese coastal traders revitalized Benin's power, which was based in trade in textiles.

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. Most West Central Africans practiced subsistence agriculture without beasts of burden to pull their plows, primarily because _____.

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. West Central Africa had no connection to the system of global trade of which coastal West African kingdoms were a part.

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. Blacksmiths were vitally important to the survival of early modern kingdoms because _____.

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. The first Portuguese points of contact with Africans were called feitoria, or _____.

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. The warring states of West Africa produced one major commodity for trade, _____.

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. Training African priests to spread Catholicism in Southern Africa was limited because _____.

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. Queen Nzinga of Ndongo helped her people to survive by _____.

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. Northern European participation in the slave trade grew because _____.

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. The capture of African slaves was primarily done by Africans.

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. Conditions of the Middle Passage were terrible, primarily _____.

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. The number of African slaves brought to the New World between the 16th and early 19th centuries was _____.

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. Margin-dwelling groups in Africa, such as the Pygmies, were _____.

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. Like their Bantu neighbors, Pygmies venerated their dead ancestors.

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. Bantu speakers began to move into Pygmy territory after 1500 because of _____.

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