Quiz Content

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. A pandemic is _____.

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. One of the factors that gave settled societies an edge over nomadic ones in the 14th century was _____.

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. The death toll of the Black Death was incredibly high throughout western Eurasia because the population there had no immunity to the disease.

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. The population loss due to the Black Death caused a shift in Europe to a social order based on _____.

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. Unlike the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming based their rule on _____.

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. The advance of Islam in Africa and Asia came about through _____.

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. Sufism spread to new territories because _____.

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. The heart of the Ottoman army, the janissary corps, were made up of _____.

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. In West Africa, Islam existed side by side with ancestral beliefs in nature spirits.

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. Among Muslims in Southeast Asia, women _____.

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. The most dynamic international trade in the 14th and 15th centuries occurred in the _____.

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. Indian fabrics came to dominate Eurasian markets because of technological innovations that made them both more available and more desirable.

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. The expansion of India's textile industries was driven by demand for luxury, specialty fabrics.

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. China's main export by the 14th century was _____.

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. The motivation behind the first voyages of Zheng He was _____.

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. The rise of the samurai was accompanied by the increasing independence of Japanese peasant communities.

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. The main factor that kept Japan from being influenced by developments in Chinese society, as other East Asian countries were, was _____.

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. The political strength of medieval Japanese peasants came from _____.

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. Under the Ashikaga shogunate, an increased focus on Japanese culture over Chinese included _____.

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. The dominance of the samurai class did not cause women to lose freedoms or the rights they traditionally held.

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