Chapter 09 Quiz B with Explanations

Quiz Content

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. The Tuobo, who brought stability to northern China after the fall of the Han dynasty, are significant because

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. What technological innovation contributed to Turkish expansion starting in the fifth century?

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. Which Turkic state emerged in the northeastern Black Sea region during the seventh century?

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. Mahayana Buddhism held the greatest appeal for the Chinese because

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. Why was Buddhism appealing to the rulers of the Northern Wei?

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. How was Chan, or Zen, Buddhism different from Pure Land Buddhism?

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. What massive construction project during the Sui emperor Yang Guang's reign linked northern and southern China?

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. Who was the only woman to rule over China as emperor during the short-lived Zhou dynasty?

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. Fourth and fifth-century Japan became militarized because of

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. What contributed to the unification of the Korean peninsula under Silla?

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. Who were major beneficiaries of land grants in post-Gupta India?

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. What impact did bhakti worship have on women in India?

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. What was a major cause of urban and commercial decline in India between the seventh and tenth centuries?

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. What was the position of widows in Indian society?

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. As in Europe and the Islamic world at the time, where could one find political dialogue, social advancement, and cultural patronage in India?

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. Which element found in Indian society had less of an impact on Southeast Asian societies?

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. Why were Buddhism and Brahmanism appealing to Southeast Asian rulers?

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. Which island in Southeast Asia became a major center of trade in the fourth century C.E.?

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. Sogdian language and religion were heavily influenced by

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. Which Sogdian general led a rebellion against the Tang dynasty in the eighth century C.E.?

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