Chapter 07 Quiz A with Explanations

Quiz Content

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. What is a major challenge for historians who study sub-Saharan African history?

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. Cave art found in the Tassili region of North Africa and dating from between 4500 B.C.E. and 2500 B.C.E. indicates

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. An important farm crop for Bantu agriculturalists was

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. What was a major change caused by the introduction of iron into Africa after 800 B.C.E.?

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. What became the most important symbol of wealth in East African societies?

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. Agriculture emerged in Mesoamerica between 3000 and 2000 B.C.E. and was based around the production of

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. Olmec monumental art is especially noted for

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. Many scholars see the Olmecs as the "mother culture" of all later societies in Mesoamerica because of

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. Like the Olmecs, Mayan society, which emerged around 800 B.C.E., was based around

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. A central idea of Mayan religion was

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. What were the only domesticated animals used for transport in pre-modern South America?

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. Which Andean culture prevailed in north and central Peru for about 700 years?

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. Why have scholars been able to date more precisely the construction of early Mayan monuments?

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. What was a source of meat for hunters on the Great Plains?

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. What was a significant way that pre-modern Pacific islanders modified their island environments?

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. What new technology aided Austronesian peoples in their migrations after 3000 B.C.E.?

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. What was the only material to be significantly traded by Lapita peoples in the islands of Melanesia?

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. What is a common feature among the cultures found in sub-Saharan Africa, the Andes region, and the Pacific islands before the modern period?

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. What is a consequence of the lack of literacy before the modern era?

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. What general problem for historians do ancient descriptions of villagers or nomadic peoples present?

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