Chapter 05 Quiz A with Explanations

Quiz Content

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. What role did geography play in the economic, political, and cultural development of India?

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. Which religion, established in the sixth century B.C.E., was committed to total nonviolence?

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. Bodhisattvas, or enlightened beings, could be found in what form of Buddhism?

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. What was a key factor in the Vedic tradition's evolution into "Hinduism" during the sixth century B.C.E.?

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. How was the Gupta's administration of India different from its Mauryan predecessor?

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. Two important Indian epics written down around 100 B.C.E. are the Mahabharata and the

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. Which Chinese philosopher emphasized the role of social hierarchy in guiding proper conduct?

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. Which Confucian philosopher argued that people are generally good and act with compassion toward one another?

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. In the Han period, how was Daoism distinct from Confucianism?

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. According to the precepts of legalism, which two professions contribute the most to the state?

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. A major development in warfare between 771 and 221 B.C.E. was the introduction of

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. The ruler who unified China and created a strong centralized state after 221 B.C.E. was

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. Emperor Wu, through his centralization of the education system and the establishment of an exam system to place new bureaucrats, established what philosophy as the basis for the Chinese state?

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. One of the major causes for the fall of the Han dynasty was

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. During the Later Han period, who wrote an important work on the role of women in a Confucian household?

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. What was a significant outcome of the growth of Athenian power and wealth in the fifth century B.C.E.?

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. Which Athenian philosopher established a method of inquiry that sought to discover the truth?

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. The Athenian dramatists Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides wrote

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. The age of the independent Greek city-state came to an end with the rise of

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. The Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire in the fourth century B.C.E. was

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. What was a significant social and political change from classical Greece to the Hellenistic age?

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. The greatest center of scholarship during the Hellenistic age was

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. How did religion change for the Greeks during the Hellenistic age?

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. What was the political organization of the Celtic peoples?

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. How did the Celts interact with the Mediterranean world in the first millennium B.C.E.?

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