Chapter 01 Quiz A with Explanations

Quiz Content

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. Human evolution was shaped by

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. What is the significance of 3.6 million-year-old fossilized footprints found at the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania?

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. Why, approximately 30,000 years ago, did Homo sapiens become the sole surviving human species?

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. Hominids migrated to Europe around 500,000 years ago and eventually formed a separate branch called

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. Changes in the concentration of melanin in skin and in the size of human limbs are examples of

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. Linguistic variety is an expression of

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. Why were women considered the center of the Paleolithic economy?

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. Paleolithic-era humans lived in groups of 15 to 40 members because

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. Why were Paleolithic communities egalitarian in nature?

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. About 100,000 years ago, the first human group to bury their dead was

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. The Lascaux cave in France is significant to our understanding of Paleolithic culture due to the

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. The Neolithic era was characterized by the

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. Agriculture was most likely invented between 10,000 and 9000 B.C.E in

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. Farming first emerged around 10,000 B.C.E due to

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. What was a disadvantage of farming over gathering and hunting?

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. In Neolithic communities, the building of homes with rectangular rooms led to

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. What do archeologists use to date Neolithic settlements?

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. A common burial practice found among Neolithic societies was the burial of the dead

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. In what way did Aborigines change their environments to suit their needs?

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. The Aborigines' worldview was centered on the concept of

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