'Tis Time to Part, 1763-1776

Quiz Content

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. The Gaspee incident was a sign that relations between Britain and its North American colonists were ________.

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. The outcome of the Seven Years' War had the effect of ________ the position of Native Americans near the British colonies.

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. Which of these policies had the goal of restricting colonies to trade with the mother country?

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. The British debt following the Seven Years' War was roughly ________ pounds.

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. Which of these was the focus of the Sons of Liberty's activism?

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. Which of these resulted from colonial legislatures' petitions to repeal the Revenue Act?

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. The Tea Act was passed in 1774 for what purpose?

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. What was the goal of the "Coercive Acts"?

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. Where did the First Continental Congress meet?

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. The Minutemen were ________.

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. The first two battles of the conflict between Britain and its colonists were ________.

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. Which of these was a serious British weakness in the Revolutionary War?

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. Following Locke and Montesquieu, the colonists saw government as a(n) ________.

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. Under whose authority did the Continental Army fight?

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. Why did the Patriots believe invading Canada would bring them allies?

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. Being composed primarily of ________ weakened the Continental Army.

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. Which of these was published by Thomas Paine in 1776?

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. Which of these oversaw a large amphibious attack on Long Island in August 1776?

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. Which of these Patriot victories took place on December 26, 1776?

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. For the authors of the text, Washington's leadership in the Revolutionary War was ________.

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