Figure 14.2 Example of a journal article referenced in Harvard style

The Legal Education and Training Review Report (Legal Education and Training Review Independent Research Team, 2013) (‘LETR Report’) contemplates the nature of legal services and seeks to establish a framework to support and facilitate provision of these services. The market is experiencing ‘a time of unprecedented change with consumer demands, technology and the regulatory system fundamentally changing the way that legal services are delivered’ (Solicitors Regulation Authority, 2013)…. Part 1 (Shephard and Todd, 2016) proposed the authors’ theoretical model, which recorded their observations that change management in the public sector can be categorised into three strategies….



Reference list

LETR Independent Research Team. (2013) Setting standards: the future of legal services education and training regulation in England and Wales. Unknown place of publication: LETR.

Shephard, C. and Todd, I. (2016) ‘Strategies for managing change and the use of paraprofessionals: a cross-sector study for the benefit of post-LETR providers of legal services, Part 1.’ Northern Ireland Law Quarterly, 67(1) p. 99.

Solicitors Regulation Authority. (2013) Training for tomorrow: ensuring the lawyers of today have the skills for tomorrow. Unknown place of publication: Solicitors Regulation Authority.

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