Quiz Content

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. Which option correctly describes the IRAC problem solving model?

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. The IRAC problem solving model has no relevance to legal practice.

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. Which option best describes what a practising lawyer will take into account when solving a legal problem?

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. Which option best summarises the categories of option usually available to a client?

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. What is the difference between case analysis and matter analysis

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. Which option best summarises the alternative solutions which might be available to help solve a client's problem regarding sale of goods?

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. Your car is serviced. Driving home, the brakes fail and you hit that car in front and have to pay £1000 in damages. From whom might you be able to seek recompense?

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. Which option best summarises the legal skills which underpin problem solving?

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. Which of the options below best represents a helpful conclusion in practice?

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. Which option shows the best example of applying the law to the facts?

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