Quiz Content

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In England & Wales, what is NOT a function of courts?

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Which of the following courts does NOT deal with both criminal and civil cases?

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You have been asked to research a case. Its name is R v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Daly. What sort of case is it?

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John is accused of murder, which carries a mandatory life sentence. In which court will he be tried?

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Mildred is convicted of petty theft in a magistrates' court. As her solicitor, you are convinced that the magistrates have misapplied the law to her situation, although you are satisfied that they have arrived at the correct version of events. You wish to advise her to appeal the sentence. At which court would this appeal be heard?

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Hilda wishes to bring an action against Graham in tort. Her solicitor advises that she is likely to be awarded damages in the region of £4,000. In which court should she commence proceedings?

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Marsha has made a negligence claim for £500,000 against BigCorp plc for negligently causing her stress at work. The court concerned decided in favour of BigCorp plc. Because the area of law is still developing she wishes to appeal the decision. It is a very complex issue of general public importance. Which option most accurately represents her possible next steps?

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Nigel witnessed the arrest of Martin five years ago. During the chaos of the arrest, he was arrested and treated roughly by the Police. Since then he has suffered trauma as a result. He has pursued a negligence claim against the Police, and, thanks to the backing of a major charity, the claim has been appealed all the way to the UK Supreme Court. Unfortunately the UK Supreme Court refused his appeal, saying that the Police owed him no duty in negligence. Which option most accurately represents his possible next steps?

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Assume for the purposes of this question that the events occurred whilst the UK remained a part of the EU.
GiantCorp plc has tendered for the maintenance contract for UK motorways with the Highways Agency (run by the Department for Transport). It did not get chosen. It has sought judicial review of the decision, and the case has reached the UK Supreme Court (UKSC). Previous case law under the European Directive concerned indicates that GiantCorp plc is unlikely to succeed in its appeal. Which option most accurately represents the most appropriate next step for GiantCorp plc?

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