- Legislation.gov.uk
An easy first port-of-call for domestic legislation still in force. Updated and original statutes are often both available. It also incorporates links to relevant statutory instruments and official documents. - House of Commons briefing paper: Statutory Instruments. Outlines the role of Sis and procedures relating to them.
- Legislating for Brexit: the Great Repeal Bill. Outlines proposals for the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 and transposition of EU law into domestic law.
- Acts and Statutory Instruments: Volume of UK legislation 1950 to 2015 - Commons Library Standard Note. This is the official UK Parliament publication setting out the volume of legislation in the UK since 1950.
- Lord Judge tells Jack Straw: the UK has too many crime laws. Online source for Daily Telegraph article concerning Lord Judge’s statement on the unnecessary growth of UK legislation.
- Statistics relating to the size of the civil service, reflective of the changes in policy in relation to the roles of the state.
- Website of the Council of Europe
- United Nations treaty collection- depository of more than 560 of the more important international treaties.