Chapter 12 Advantages and disadvantages of different personal styles

The Table below sets out the advantages and disadvantages of four different sets of characteristics, based on Dr Lesley Stolz’s work on negotiation while at Johnson and Johnson. Enjoy using it to identify your natural style(s), what its strengths and weaknesses are, and to learn about other styles you would like to have.





• Friendly

• Good listener

• Constructive

• Emphasises similarity not difference

• Constructive

• Open

• Confident

• Patient

• Supportive

• Trusting

• Difficulty saying ‘no’

• Difficulty putting own interests first

• Avoidant of conflict at all costs

• Trusting

• Deferential

• Weak

• Can’t cope with pressure

• Dislikes responsibility


• Assertive

• Controlling

• Pro-active

• Decisive

• Takes the lead

• Rises to a challenge


• Impatient

• Overbearing

• Poor listener

• Critical

• Lacks creativity ‘take it or leave it’


• Logical

• Detail oriented

• Persistent

• Prepared

• Risk averse

• Follows rules

• Confident

• Evaluative

• Lacks intuition with people

• Lacks creativity

• Uses logic not emotion to persuade

• May over-analyse

• Predictable

• Stubborn

• Resistant to change

• Literal


• Socially charming

• Avoids offence

• Flexible

• Creative

• Persuasive

• Articulate

• Can think on feet

• Seeks opportunities

• Seen as pushy or fawning

• Can come across as insincere

• Talks too much

• Poorly prepared

• Surface listener (listens to respond)

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