Why We Do Dumb or Irrational Things: 10 Brilliant Social Psychology Experiments
This site from Jeremy Dean’s Psyblog describes ten of the most important studies in the history of social psychology. Some of these studies, such as Milgram’s and Zimbardo’s, which we discussed in Chapter 3, are not “true” or “randomized” experiments, but others provide methodologically sound examples of experiments on interesting topics. See especially studies 1 (halo effect), 6 (false consensus bias), and 9 (bystander apathy).
Online Social Psychology Studies (http://www.socialpsychology.org/expts.htm)
This page from the Social Psychology Network contains links to over 350 Web-based experiments and other social psychology studies as well as Web-based experiment resources. Users may participate in a study or add a link to their own study. Resources include how-to guides, software for experimentation, and Web-based data collection services.
The Use of Field Experiments for Studies of Employment Discrimination
Audit studies on employment discrimination are a special type of field experiment. In this article Devah Pager provides a thorough description and critique of the methodology of audit studies, including an appendix on how to design and implement a field experiment on employment discrimination.