The Research Methods Knowledge Base (

For students who want an alternative source of information about key terms or for instructors who want to supplement The Process of Social Research, this site is an excellent sourcebook with hyperlinked text. It covers all of the key terms introduced in chapter 4, but with shorter explanations and different examples.

Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) (

This site was developed by the Computer-Assisted Survey Methods Program at the University of California, Berkeley to provide programs for the documentation and Web-based analysis of survey data. One can analyze data from several archives, including the General Social Survey (GSS) and the American National Election Study (ANES). The data analysis programs are designed to be run from a Web browser, and SDA yields results very quickly -- within seconds. Exercise 2 in the text asks students to use the following link for the analysis of GSS data.

SDA – GSS 1972-2016 Cumulative Datafile (

With this program the user can analyze relationships among any variables in the 1972-2012 GSS cumulative datafile. Variables may be selected by browsing the Codebook, and tables can be run by clicking on “Tables” and then inserting variable names in the “row” and/or “column.”

Correlation (

Statistical Significance (

These two pages provide brief but lucid explanations of two of the most common statistics in social research.

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