South Asia

Involves utilizing fields and gardens over a wide area through rotation in time, as opposed to the fixed cultivation that is necessarily dominant in the densely populated South Asian region, for example.

Name given to a series of innovations that were especially prominent from the late 1960s to the 1970s, that increased agriculture production through new high-yielding varieties of crops, irrigation, and the use pesticides and fertilizers.

Currency from another country.

A legal system based on the precepts of Islam.

A social system created by Hinduism and reinforced by the British in India, that is made up of social categories that determine not only position in the social hierarchy but also proportionate occupation, behaviors and mores such as eligible marriage partners.

The highly disputed, militarized region that separates Southeast Pakistan and Northern India.

Temporary unauthorized settlements on government land in Karachi, Pakistan.

A crop that is easy to bring to market and is also considered a primary good, such as wheat.

Refers to the movement from a more centralized form of economy to a freer, market-based economy.

The conflict between the British and Russian Empires in the nineteenth century for dominance in Afghanistan and South Central Asia.

Goods that come from agriculture, forestry, mining, and fishing.

A group of people living outside of their homeland.

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