South East Asia

The money that temporary and permanent migrants send back to their home country.

An organized killing of a particular ethnic group.

An economic development strategy marked by protectionist policies in order to bolster local growth.

A seasonal wind in South East Asia that blows from land to sea in October to May (dry monsoon ) and from sea to land on May to September bringing rain (wet monsoon).

The downsides of a heavy reliance on one or more primary commodities such as oil, that include corruption, wildly fluctuating government revenues and stunted economic development

Name given to a series of innovations that were especially prominent from the late 1960s to the 1970s, that increased agriculture production through new high-yielding varieties of crops, irrigation, and the use pesticides and fertilizers.

An austere form of Sunni fundamentalism in the Islam religion that is heavily promoted by Saudi Arabia.

A self-organized collective of farmers who share irrigation water from a common source, found throughout Bali.

Refers to the movement from a more centralized form of economy to a freer, market-based economy.

A state which takes leading role in macro-economic planning, strategic investment and n guiding economic growth

A type of economic system that is controlled and planned by the central government.

The recreation of a transnational authority guided by Islamic principles and is a long held belief of many Sunni fundamentalists.

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