South East Asia

A seasonal wind in South East Asia that blows from land to sea in October to May (dry monsoon ) and from sea to land on May to September bringing rain (wet monsoon).

A communist guerilla movement in Cambodia that held power from 1975 to 1979. Responsible for mass killings and mass starvation.

Refers to the movement from a more centralized form of economy to a freer, market-based economy.

The downsides of a heavy reliance on one or more primary commodities such as oil, that include corruption, wildly fluctuating government revenues and stunted economic development

The belief that non-human entities have spirits, prominent among hunter-gatherers yet evolving into subsequent cultures.

A country in which the city and the state are essentially one and the same.

A state which takes leading role in macro-economic planning, strategic investment and n guiding economic growth

An organized killing of a particular ethnic group.

An area where waters drains from and flows into a river or a number of tributaries.

A type of economic system that is not controlled by a central authority but rather left to the free and open collaboration and decisions of the participants in the market.

Currency from another country.

A city that is the largest in the country and is the center of economic and political life.

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