South East Asia

A type of economic system that is controlled and planned by the central government.

A form of agriculture that does not include the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers in agriculture in order to protect the environment and provide for more sustainable long-term agricultural opportunities.

The targeting and forced removal of ethnic minorities by other groups and/or the nation-state

Name given to a series of innovations that were especially prominent from the late 1960s to the 1970s, that increased agriculture production through new high-yielding varieties of crops, irrigation, and the use pesticides and fertilizers.

A country in which the city and the state are essentially one and the same.

A type of economic system that is not controlled by a central authority but rather left to the free and open collaboration and decisions of the participants in the market.

The systemic variation in sea temperature in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of South America, typically in late December, that has an impact on the weather of the region and across other regions of the world.

A legal system based on the precepts of Islam.

A self-organized collective of farmers who share irrigation water from a common source, found throughout Bali.

An forested area in the tropics marked by substantial rainfall.

The surface temperature of seawater.

A group of people living outside of their homeland.

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