South East Asia

An economic development strategy marked by protectionist policies in order to bolster local growth.

The surface temperature of seawater.

An area created by sediments carried by a river.

The targeting and forced removal of ethnic minorities by other groups and/or the nation-state

A form of Buddhism based on the oldest known records of Buddha's teaching. Dominant form of Buddhism in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

The systemic variation in sea temperature in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of South America, typically in late December, that has an impact on the weather of the region and across other regions of the world.

A seasonal wind in South East Asia that blows from land to sea in October to May (dry monsoon ) and from sea to land on May to September bringing rain (wet monsoon).

A type of economic system that is controlled and planned by the central government.

Currency from another country.

An agricultural system in which temporary clearings are cropped for fewer years than they are allowed to remain fallow and involve "slash and burn" clearing practices.

A group of people living outside of their homeland.

Refers to a situation in which the concentration of a nation's population in just one city.

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