East Asia

A dynamic economic model which classifies countries as either core, periphery, or semi-periphery by the economic interactions between them.

Refers to the movement from a more centralized form of economy to a freer, market-based economy.

Any form of economic policy that seeks to support local companies at the expense of foreign corporations, usually through quotas, tariffs, or some combination thereof.

A seasonal wind in South East Asia that blows from land to sea in October to May (dry monsoon ) and from sea to land on May to September bringing rain (wet monsoon).

An area created by sediments carried by a river.

A metropolitan area with more than one major ciy.

A system of large family-controlled firms that dominates the South Korean economy.

A toxic chemical often created as a byproduct of zinc production.

The name given to big-name, well-known architects who participate in construction to market or brand a city.

The dominant ethnicity in China, comprising more than 91 percent of China's total population.

An empire that developed from the Roman Empire, centered on Constantinople that lasted from 285 until 1483.

Meat from cattle in Kobe, Japan. Considered a delicacy.

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