East Asia

A seasonal wind in South East Asia that blows from land to sea in October to May (dry monsoon ) and from sea to land on May to September bringing rain (wet monsoon).

A philosophy that stresses loyalty to family, upholding of social relations and commitment to just social activity.

The name given to big-name, well-known architects who participate in construction to market or brand a city.

Currency from another country.

The dominant ethnicity in China, comprising more than 91 percent of China's total population.

A polycentric city of 11 compact cities, including Hong Kong, Macau, Huizhou and Guangzhou, that is projected to soon increase its population to 65 million and is one of China's industrial growth regions.

A state which takes leading role in macro-economic planning, strategic investment and n guiding economic growth

Any form of economic policy that seeks to support local companies at the expense of foreign corporations, usually through quotas, tariffs, or some combination thereof.

A metropolitan area with more than one major ciy.

A system of government that is ruled by the leaders of a religion, or based on the beliefs of a single religion.

The spiritual and political leader of Tibet, who left the region in 1950 after the country was annexed by China.

The movement of people from their rural homes to urban employment centers and back on a regular basis

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