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The ideological movement by Russian leaders to promote the active creation of a single Russian empire with one religion and a single language.
The alphabet used by Slavic languages, such as Russian, Bulgarian, and Serbian.
Political fragments of a state not physically connected to that state and surrounded by the territory of one or other nations.
A type of economic system that is not controlled by a central authority but rather left to the free and open collaboration and decisions of the participants in the market.
A system of labor camps maintained in the Soviet Union in the early to mid 20th century.
The democratic movement in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
A very rich business person who might also maintain a great deal of political authority. Oligarchs proliferated in Russia after the fall of the USSR as many previously state owned assets were acquired below market value.
A type of economic system that is controlled and planned by the central government.
Region found between the tundra and steppe regions of northern latitudes that is generally composed of coniferous forests.
A sect of Islam distinct from Shia in that its adherents do not believe that the succession of the Prophet Mohammed should be hereditary and follow family bloodlines.
The money that temporary and permanent migrants send back to their home country.
A significant and highly influential ancient trade route that linked Europe with China.