Russia and Its Neighbors

An arc tectonic activity, including volcanoes and earthquakes, caused by the movement of tectonic plates that surround the Pacific Ocean.

A blueprint for Soviet city structures, which was influential in creating the urbanized structure of modern Russia.

The democratic movement in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

A plan initiated in 1953 to open up vast areas of Kazakhstan steppe to grain production.

Countries that were part of the Soviet Union, some of which maintained some relative autonomy.

A type of economic system that is controlled and planned by the central government.

The empire founded by Genghis Khan that extended in the 13th and 14th century across Asia into Europe.

A vast network of pipelines used to transport oil and gas deposits from Russia and central Asia to markets in Europe and China.

The tendency for empires to become involved in more foreign interventions that they can afford or manage successfully.

Intellectual belied system developed in 17th and 18th century Europe that's stressed reason over belief and rationality over religion.

The world's first communist state established in 1917 and encompassed modern day Russia along with a number of countries that surround it. The USSR collapsed in the late 1991.

The money that temporary and permanent migrants send back to their home country.

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