
A type of economic system that is controlled and planned by the central government.

The current geological period in which human activity is deemed responsible for the profound and fundamental restructuring of the environment.

A name used in Scotland for lake or sea inlet.

Low-lying land that is drained of water and turned into productive land.

Rapid growth of algae in lakes often due to the amount of run off high in phosphates and nitrogen from farms and lawns.

A long narrow sea inlet with steep sides.

A low mound of compacted earth shaped by glacial action.

A term used to describe the vast metropolitan area that encompasses most of Europe.

The period around 1800, centered in Britain, in which manufacturers rapidly discovered and implemented new ways of creating products.

A volcanic crater caused by the destruction of the cone during violent explosions.

A type of economic system that is not controlled by a central authority but rather left to the free and open collaboration and decisions of the participants in the market.

An forested area in the tropics marked by substantial rainfall.

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