
The period between ice ages.

A crisis in Greece after the 2007/08 financial meltdown caused by too much government debt.

An forested area in the tropics marked by substantial rainfall.

A term used to describe the vast metropolitan area that encompasses most of Europe.

A type of economic system that is not controlled by a central authority but rather left to the free and open collaboration and decisions of the participants in the market.

The dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands that the peasantry were obliged to work.

A single territorial unit created in 1985 that allows for the freedom of movement and capital mobility in Europe.

The period around 1800, centered in Britain, in which manufacturers rapidly discovered and implemented new ways of creating products.

An area of volcanic activity. Not caused by plate tectonics but by plumes from the mantle.

The ideological movement by Russian leaders to promote the active creation of a single Russian empire with one religion and a single language.

Rapid growth of algae in lakes often due to the amount of run off high in phosphates and nitrogen from farms and lawns.

White Dutch settlers in South Africa. Also the name of their language.

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