North America

The indigenous peoples of Canada who lived south of the Arctic Circle.

The region of the North East and Midwest associated with declining manufacturing sector. Also sometimes known as the Frostbelt.

In general refers to any society dominated by settlers from elsewhere. More specifically refers to societies such as the Australia, Canada, and US that were populated by settlers form Europe.

An organization whose members include Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the USA, which provides a forum for negotiations regarding the rights of sovereignty over areas of the North Pole.

A major sailing route that linked Europe, Africa and the New World in the transport of goods and slaves.

A trade union between Canada, Mexico and the USA.

Generally, the name for a very large city region. More specifically, or the name given to the extended urban region that extends along the eastern seaboard of the USA from Boston to Washington DC.

Goods that come from agriculture, forestry, mining, and fishing.

The idea that small issues such as broken windows need to be addressed in order to instill a sense of civic pride. Also used to refer to a policing strategy that addresses small issue such as panhandling in order to prevent more serious crimes.

The region stretching from California to Florida associates with arm weather, bright sunshine and economic growth.

Areas of environmental contamination. Some of the most polluted sites in the US designated for clean up.

An agreement between countries that typically results in reduced barriers to trade and investment flows between the countries. Examples include NAFTA and the TPP.

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