Sub-Saharan Africa

A crop that is easy to bring to market and is also considered a primary good, such as wheat.

The belief that non-human entities have spirits, prominent among hunter-gatherers yet evolving into subsequent cultures.

Goods that come from agriculture, forestry, mining, and fishing.

The money that temporary and permanent migrants send back to their home country.

The downsides of a heavy reliance on one or more primary commodities such as oil, that include corruption, wildly fluctuating government revenues and stunted economic development

The amount of greenhouse gases produced for any given person, entity or practice.

A French-based creole language spoken in Mauritius.

An forested area in the tropics marked by substantial rainfall.

The slaughter of half a million Tutsis by rival Hutu in Rwanda in 1994.

(ITCZ) A belt of low pressure around the equator.

A grassy plain that contains few trees.

Name given to a series of innovations that were especially prominent from the late 1960s to the 1970s, that increased agriculture production through new high-yielding varieties of crops, irrigation, and the use pesticides and fertilizers.

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