Middle East and North Africa

An area created by sediments carried by a river.

An organized killing of a particular ethnic group.

A high density area found in the city center in the Muslim world.

A trade cartel of oil producing states, mostly Middle Eastern that uses its power to influence global oil markets.

The money that temporary and permanent migrants send back to their home country.

An economic development strategy marked by protectionist policies in order to bolster local growth.

A crop that is easy to bring to market and is also considered a primary good, such as wheat.

Originally refers to manuscript in which the original script was overlain by subsequent scripts but some still remain visible.

A belief and adherence to the idea that Jewish people should be allowed to establish and maintain their own state in Israel.

A communal settlement in Israel.

A nomadic people living in the desert regions of the Middle East and North Africa.

The pilgrimage to Mecca required of all devout Muslims at east once in their lives.

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