International Law and International Organizations

Quiz Content

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. The Palestinians’ official response to Israel’s defensive wall in 2001 was

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. International law is BEST characterized as

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. In what year did the United States cancel the 1972 Antiâ€"Ballistic Missile Treaty?

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. British Petroleum’s offer to pay reparations to the victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill could BEST be described as occurring under

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. Who wrote Mare Librum?

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. In 1899 Czar Nicholas II of Russia and Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands assembled an important international conference in _____.

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. Which of the following countries has officially declared its neutrality?

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. Who is the founder of the International Red Cross?

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. When was the first Geneva Convention regulating treatment of the wounded signed?

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. When did the United Nations General Assembly adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

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. The League of Nations came into existence in

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. Which of the following was NOT an element of the League of Nations?

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. The International Court of Justice

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. How did the U.S. Senate respond to the Pact of Paris (Kelloggâ€"Briand Pact)?

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. Which of the following rulers BEST qualifies as a tyrant?

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. The Nuremberg trails focused on trying leaders of this country

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