Chapter 03 Check My Learning Quiz

Realism and Liberalism

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When was The Prince written?

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Who is the author of Leviathan?

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Realists think that this predominates in the international system:

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Which statesperson believed that war is a continuation of politics by other means"?"

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Political liberalism was advocated by whom?

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In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, people were intrigued by the ideas of the philosophers _______, who argued that irrational forces dominate human motivation.

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The United Nations was created in

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Instituted in 1947, the ______________ was designed to help Western Europe recover from the Second World War.

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What is soft power"?"

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In the beginning of the twenty-first century, the American public has voiced strong support for military action in which one of the following countries?

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Robert Putnam's two-level game includes

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Log rolling refers to ruling and opposition parties that

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Citizens of European Union member states

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Realists believe that only ____ can be players in international relations.

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Which of the following is the LEAST important to realists?

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The international system is defined as________ among states as they exercise their power to promote their interests.

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In the realist perspective, international relations often involves

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The term realpolitik refers to

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Which of the following statements is NOT from a realist?

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______ in international relations is the ability of a state to defend itself, guard its interests, and impose its will on other states.

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Which of the following is NOT a rule suggested by realism to succeed in power politics?

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A rogue state acts _____in regard to other states, in systematic ______for international rules.

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After a rogue state strikes, the likely result is

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Which of the following is NOT a principle of liberalism?

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Who wrote the ever-greater prominence of the bourgeoisie (or entrepreneurs and the middle class) would lead to the decline of military aristocracies"?"

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Perpetual Peace by Immanuel Kant describes a _______that would operate based on the respect for the rule of law.

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In the late nineteenth century, _____connected states in a vast network of trade and cooperation.

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Norman Angell in Great Illusion believed that

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Joseph Schumpeter argues that the ever-greater prominence of the ______would lead to the decline of_______.

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Neoliberalism emerged to

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Which of the following is a key belief of liberalism?

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Liberalism posits that communities of states should resolve disputes with the help of _________.

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In contrast to liberalism, realism places great emphasis on the role of _________ in diplomacy.

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The fact that Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin came to power through democratic means calls into question

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Studies show that liberal international policies are likely to be implemented primarily when

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