Chapter 02 Check My Learning Quiz

The Evolution of Global Politics

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The Peaof Westphalia wsigned in

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This country wNOT invaded and occupied Napoleon:

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Whiof the following countries wNOT a grepower during the Concert of Europe?

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A major conferenabout control of colonipossessions wheld in 1884 in this country:

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This wNOT one of the Allied Powers in the GreWar:

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Fascism first took hold in this country:

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Germmilitarism wfirst evident in late 1938 when Germany occupied

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The Second World Wbegwith the Germinvasion of this country:

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This country wNOT one of the Allied powers during the Second World War:

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In the 1930s, Japinvaded and occupied parts of this country/colony:

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The United Nations wfounded in:

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Who wthe Americpresident during the early stages of the Cold War?

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Whiof the following countries wa NATO member in 1950?

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These two countries supported North Korea during the KoreWar:

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This country colonized Vietnam:

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Chinese modernization, accompanied opening up to traand better relations with the West, begin

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Whiyeis MOST closely associated with end of the Cold War?

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In 1990 Irinvaded

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The globwon terrorism" begin"

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Of the following groups, whioverall lost power and influenbecause of the Treaty of Westphali

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Whwthe cause of the CrimeWar?

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The 1848 revolutions

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Whiof the following countries wthe biggest loser in the Treaty of Versailles?

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Whiof the following countries wMOST concerned about a Germresurgenafter the GreWar?

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In 1939, Germany shocked Britain and other western states when it signed a treaty with this country:

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Hitler maa big mistake when he invaded this country:

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Hitler hthe MOST hatred for:

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The leaders of these three countries coordinated their efforts during the Second World War:

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How did Stalin reato Americpower and assertiveness after the Second World War?

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The TrumDoctrine wformulated to protethis area from Communism:

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This country developed nucleweapons in the 1950s:

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Why did the United States NOT give its full support to decolonization efforts?

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The beginning of the end of the Cold Wbegwith major changes in the politicleadership of this country:

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The United States hthe LEAST amount of allied support for

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