Protected Areas

Quiz Content

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. Suppose an area off the coast of Central America includes several coral reefs that are degrading due to coastal pollution and excessive impact by tourists. Regional governments designate it as a protected area (PA). Scientists and conservationists are assigned to manage the PA, intervening as necessary to ensure the survival of the corals and the ecosystem as a whole. How would this protected area be designated by the IUCN?

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. Two areas of rain forest are adjacent. One is a strictly protected area. The other area, which surrounds the first PA, is a larger area that is multi-managed, used for both hiking and camping, and for selective timber harvesting. What is one benefit of the strictly protected area that is not a benefit of the multi-managed area?

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. Which factor has caused marine protected areas (MPAs) to lag behind terrestrial protected areas until recently?

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. Two new protected areas are created with the following characteristics: Area A has a size of 26,000 hectares, a relatively round shape, and diverse types of habitats. Area B has a size of 2,600 hectares, a long narrow shape, and is nearly all forest. Both areas are well supported by political, economic, and scientific authorities. A student analyzing the characteristics of the two areas decided that Area A would be more effective at maintaining ecosystem diversity. She probably made this decision because Area B is missing all the four Rs of protected area design except

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. A large protected area is set aside to aid in the maintenance of an endangered cheetah population. The population of cheetahs in this area increases by 30 percent over the next ten years. Then, a highway is built through the middle of the protected area. In the following ten years, the cheetah population declines by 20 percent. This suggests that

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. Establishing corridors for movement between two protected areas would likely be of most benefit to which species?

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. A landscape design that relies more on landscape diversity than on species diversity will likely tend to favor the protection of which type of species?

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. A prairie existed for hundreds of years, grazed first by bison and then by cattle. The prairie is made into a park, with the goal of maintaining the prairie and enhancing its biodiversity. Park managers are considering whether to retain grazers or not. What is the recommended course?

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. An area is important because it is home to several species of endangered plants. The area is designated as protected, with the goal of maximizing plant species diversity. Of these monitoring methods, which method would likely be least valuable in determining if the monitoring plan is meeting its goal?

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. The killing of Cecil the Lion occurred as a result of which challenge of PA management?

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