An Agenda for the Future

Quiz Content

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. The Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, Project Budburst, and iNaturalist are citizen-scientist projects that enlist and train amateurs to collect data on biodiversity loss and other conservation issues. Which statement is a valid description of the importance of citizen-science projects?

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. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was opened for ratification at the Earth Summit in 1992. Currently, 193 countries have signed on to this binding agreement, which has three main goals: conserving biodiversity, sustainable use of biodiversity, and fair and equitable sharing of benefits from use of genetic resources. The CBD is one solution to which world conservation problem?

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. A practice could be considered “mainstreaming biodiversity” if it

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. Tropical deciduous dry forests are easy to cut and burn, and therefore are often destroyed by subsistence farmers trying to make a living. A government in Central America, concerned with protecting biodiversity, decides to put a stop to this practice. After consulting with government officials and conservationists, they turn the forests into a protected area. They pass a law that prohibits cutting or burning in these forests, and requires citizens to stay on the land they currently own. What is one major factor that may prevent this law from solving the problem?

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. A group of conservation organizations wants to set up a program in a poverty-stricken region of Africa. They want to combine protection of biodiversity with social justice concerns, making sure that local people are considered and their rights protected as the project progresses. To meet this goal, they might consider all these activities except

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. To meet the challenges of this century with regard to biodiversity, particularly given the imminent threat of climate change, conservation issues must be integrated into public policy. Therefore, one important goal of conservation biologists must be

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. Oceanographer Sylvia Earle and environmental activist George Monbiot are among many committed conservationists who have given TED talks about their specialties. Others have made documentaries on nature or on specific species. Many movies and television shows now have environmental themes. Why are actions such as these important in the conservation movement?

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. A conservation biologist joins a political party and campaigns within the party to help other members understand issues relating to climate change and biodiversity. She also belongs to several environmental organizations, which she supports by giving public talks and lobbying members of Congress on environmental issues. This person could best be described as a(n)

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. A college student is concerned about the problem of plastics pollution and its impact on living organisms. He wants to address this problem on his college campus. If the student wants to make sure his audience of students and professors understands the connection between plastics use and preserving biodiversity, he would most likely undertake an educational campaign showing how

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