Defining Conservation Biology

Quiz Content

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. Declining biodiversity is a major concern in the twenty-first century. Based on current knowledge, protecting Earth’s biodiversity can probably best be accomplished by

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. Conservation ecology includes all these goals except

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. Of these four actions, which one conforms most precisely to the field of conservation biology, rather than environmentalism?

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. The earliest evidence of a human tendency to protect nature occurred in

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. A conservation biologist promotes the idea of setting aside parts of a region as wilderness areas that can never be developed, while managing other parts of the region for sustainable development and resource use. This biologist is most closely following which ethical principle?

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. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and later, John Muir, espoused the preservationist ethic, which stated that nature and natural areas have an intrinsic value greater than their value when exploited as a resource. This ethic leaves out which concept that is a key feature of present-day conservation biology?

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. In 1985, Michael Soulé, Paul Ehrlich, Jared Diamond, and other scientists established the field of conservation biology. Its interdisciplinary components included all these except

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. Recovery of the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle population was an interdisciplinary process incorporating elements from many different fields of science and resource management. But before conservation biologists could work on the recovery process, they first had to understand the turtle’s nesting and reproductive behavior. Learning this information involved the use of which of these many interdisciplinary fields?

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. Eastern philosophies such as Hinduism and Buddhism value wilderness for its ability to provide intense spiritual experiences. Such groups would most strongly relate to which of these organizational values of conservation biology?

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. A person is most clearly showing biophilia when he or she

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