Quiz Content

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. Which of the following do Kantians and contractarians believe are members of the moral community?

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. Which of the following do utilitarians believe are members of the moral community?

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. According to the Biocentrism Argument, something has independent moral importance if and only if it is

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. Biocentrists believe that being alive is the basis for intrinsic value because if something is alive,

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. Environmentalists commonly argue that the non-living environment is intrinsically valuable because it is

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. According to the Last Person Argument, we can test whether the natural environment is intrinsically valuable by thinking about whether it would be

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. Which of the following arguments concludes that we are not morally required to change or refrain from our ordinary consumer practices in order to improve the environmental situation?

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. According to the text, which of the following is an objection to the No Difference Argument?

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. According to the text, one difficulty with arguing that there is something valuable in itself about being natural is that

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. Which of the following things do environmentalists not think are intrinsically valuable?

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