Ethical Pluralism and Absolute Moral Rules

Quiz Content

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. Ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and contractarianism all fall into what family of theories?

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. What is the term for an ethical rule that may never permissibly be broken?

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. What does it mean to say that an ethical rule is fundamental?

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. Which of the following would an ethical pluralist not accept?

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. What is the argument from disaster prevention supposed to show?

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. What is the term for the view that we are sometimes permitted to act in ways that foreseeably cause certain harms, even though we are never permitted to intend those harms?

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. Suppose someone could show that any two moral rules are bound to conflict at some point. What would this show?

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. In what sense is ethical absolutism sometimes thought to be irrational?

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. Which of the following claims states the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing?

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. According to the text, which of the following is a problem for the Doctrine of Doing and Allowing?

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