Quiz Content

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. In anthropology, holism ________.

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. The anthropological perspective is considered "evolutionary" because ________.

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. Franz Boas is known for ________.

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. Anthropological fieldwork ________.

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. ________ is NOT one of Potts's three elements that made human culture possible.

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. Transmission and reiteration are ________.

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. In the culture/cultures debate, ________.

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. Most anthropologists view human beings as ________.

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. ________ is a recorded and/or written description of a particular group.

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. Humans often make sense of their world through the use of ________.

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. Even within a single cultural tradition, the meaning of an object may differ depending on ________.

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. Why do some biological anthropologists want to study nonhuman primates?

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. If many people within a particular culture seem ethnocentric an anthropologist might think that it was ________.

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. What do anthropologists mean by human agency?

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. Which statement best reflects how anthropologists view the role of history in theory?

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. In addition to the traditional four subfields of anthropology, which of the following is coming to be seen as a separate field of professional specialization?

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. Which of the four subfields of anthropology has the most concern with material culture and technology?

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. Some cultural anthropologists use ethnology as a research method and perspective. What does an ethnologist do with cultural data?

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. How is paleoanthropology different than paleontology?

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. One practical application of linguistic anthropology is to ___________.

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. Which of the following best characterizes the idea of a cultural pattern?

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. Anthropology is often listed as a social science, but it spans the _______ ______ and the ________ as well.

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. Cultural resource management (CRM) is a sector of archaeology that develops _____________ .

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. Thinking about why and how one thinks about specific things is known as reciprocity.

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. Humans and apes share the ability to use symbolic coding, that is, using symbols to represent elements of reality.

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. In extreme cases, cultural relativism can result in discrimination to the point of genocide.

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. Cultural anthropology is also known as social anthropology.

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. Informants, those who provide anthropologists with insights into their way of life, can also be known as teachers, consultants, and partners.

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. Primates have not shown any signs of possessing culture.

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. The elements that make up "traditional culture" are adaptable and constantly changing.

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. Paleoanthropology is a discipline of archeology.

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. The comparative aspect of anthropology seeks to compare different human societies in order to rank them.

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. Cultural relativism means accepting every human belief and behaviour in every other society that one may encounter.

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. Edward B. Tylor came up with one of the earliest useful definitions of culture in 1871.

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. Material culture exists outside of the realm of symbols in all cultures.

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. Some early anthropological theorists believed that one had to ignore history as a factor in understanding the workings of culture and society.

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. The concept of culture became quite contested and debated in anthropology by the 1990s.

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. Applied anthropology frequently involves partnerships with Indigenous communities.

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. A critical cultural relativist perspective considers who within a society benefits from certain norms and who does not.

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