Battling for Souls, Minds, and the Heart of North America, 1730–1763

Maroons who had fled to Florida aided the Spanish defense during the __________.

Joining in the evangelical Christian awakening during the mid-18th century, __________ were members of the religious movement begun by John Wesley.

The British won the __________ when tens of thousands of colonists took up arms in defense of the colonies.

The __________ enabled non-Catholics foreigners who immigrated to British North America to gain citizenship.

Part of a series of slave uprisings and conspiracies across North America and the Caribbean, the __________ started when 20 newly arrived slaves attempted to gain their freedom by escaping to Spanish Florida.

__________ stoked much of the religious ferment of the mid-18th century with their charismatic preaching.

Runaway slaves who banded together into communities on the edges of colonial society were known as __________.

Many Germans arrived in British North America as __________ who sold their services after they landed.

Though they never attracted a large following, __________ influenced much of the evangelizing practices of other revivalists.

By designating a defined work assignment for their slaves, slaveholders engaged in the __________.

Wealthy planters made up the bulk of the investors of the first attempt at trans-Appalachian colonization, the __________.

The __________ ended the French and Indian War and granted much of North America to the British empire.

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