Forging Tighter Bonds, 1640–1700

The __________ took away colonists' political power and threatened their property under King James II.

Though it failed, __________ provoked the king to reduce taxes on Virginia and remove Governor Berkeley.

__________ economic policy shaped imperial policy, ensuring that the colonies sent their raw materials to and only bought goods from the mother country.

The __________ had a monopoly over the English Atlantic slave trade.

Challenging French dominance of the fur trade, the __________ had more goods for trade and paid better prices for furs.

Many colonists cheered the news of the __________ because they had chafed under many of King James's policies.

The __________ showed the growing importance of the colonies to England and attempted to control all the trade in and out of English America.

The first of its kind in the English colonies, the __________ fostered white racial solidarity at the same time it sought to control blacks.

As the struggle between Parliamentarians and royalists divided the colonies, the __________ initiated a period of dramatic upheaval.

Mary Rowlandson's captivity narrative was one of the works that kept __________ alive in New Englanders' memories for decades after the conflict.

The __________ did not believe that God's will could be discerned through reading the Bible.

The English Civil War was a struggle between those who thought the king had ultimate authority and those who favored __________.

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