The __________ ruled that Congress could not legislate on slavery in the territories and threatened to nationalize slavery.

Cantonese referred to California as __________, or 'Gold Mountain', during the 1850s.

In __________, the Supreme Court ruled that states could not pass laws inhibiting the return of fugitive slaves.

It was not until the Civil War, when Southerners were no longer in Congress, that a bill supporting the __________ could pass.

Stephen Douglas introduced the __________, hoping that it would alleviate sectional conflict.

The __________ briefly rose to power in the 1850s, but the party fell after taking a stance on the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Mixed-race people in Louisiana were typically called __________.

California was admitted as a free state as part of the __________.

John Brown's raid on __________ ended in failure but inflamed sectional tensions across the country, capping a tumultuous decade.

The __________ required state officials to aid in the return of fugitive slaves.

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