Multiple Choice Chapter 22 Self-Quiz 2

Schaller, 3e_MC 22.2

Quiz Content

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. How did GM chairman Alfred P. Sloan attack Ford's dominant market position in the 1920s?

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. The allocation of immigration slots in the National Origins Act of 1924 favored which of the following nations?

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. The only group that benefited from 1924 immigration restrictions were

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. Which of the following would have been the least likely target of the 1920s KKK in the United States?

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. Which of the following helps explain the popularity of jazz in Europe during the 1920s?

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. Which of the following was NOT a sport celebrity of the 1920s?

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. How did Hollywood movies portray the work of women in the corporate world?

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. Aimee Semple McPherson advocated all the following EXCEPT:

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. What did H. L. Mencken think of William Jennings Bryan?

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. The Democratic challenger to Republican candidate Warren G. Harding in the 1920 presidential election was

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. Why did Warren G. Harding's interior secretary Albert Fall spend one year in prison?

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. The most significant result of Germany's economic collapse in 1923 was

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. Before Anastazio Somoza began his 45-year-long dictatorship in the Central American country of Nicaragua he had served as

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. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930

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. Whereas Secretary of State Frank Kellogg offered France an agreement to outlaw war, his French counterpart Aristide Briand had hoped for

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