Eisenhower's 1956 __________ was the largest public wroks program in American history and facilitated the growth of suburbs and the complex of industries that sustained them.
The U.S. Supreme Court outlawed racial covenants in __________ (1948), but they persisted in practice throughout the 1950s.
Suburbs grew after World War II because of demand and new technologies. The assembly-line __________ was the most significant innovation.
President Eisenhower followed his support for the Little Rock Nine with support for the __________, which expanded voting rights on paper but once again failed to deal with the question of enforcement.
The leading white supremacist terror organization of the South since Reconstruction, the __________, threatened civil rights activists like the Little Rock Nine and their supporters with violence during the 1950s.
The nation's two largest unions, the American Federation of Labor and the __________ ended their long rivalry.
New innovations contributed to skyrocketing oil demand during the 1950s. During the war, chemists had perfected polyethylene, a versatile petroleum-based __________ used as insulation for radar and radio cables.
To oversee the boycott, Alabama ministers set up the __________ and named 26-year-old minister Martin Luther King Jr., as its head.
Named after the feared senator from Wisconsin, __________ represented a sinister turn in government efforts to control communism within the postwar United States.
Unprecedented population growth was the most dramatic sign of American affluence in the 1950s. After a decade of declining birthrates during the Great Depression, this __________ was part of a larger transnational trend.
The best-known challenge to segregation came when the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of __________, a compilation of multiple cases of educational discrimination brought before the Supreme Court by NAACP Legal Defense Fund lawyer Thurgood Marshall.
Sociologist David Reisman uncovered widespread unhappiness in his 1950 book __________ a study of corporate culture.