Since the passage of the __________, at the height of the pre-Depression boom years, strict quotas regulated the flow and character of U.S. immigration.
With the creation of the Department of Defense, the __________ consolidated the U.S. military command for the challenges of the Cold War.
In 1948, Truman issued __________ declaring, "There shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the armed services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin."
Passed in 1952 over Truman's veto, the __________ reinforced perceptions of immigrants as a source of radicalism during the Cold War and set the tone for a contentious debate about immigration in the coming decade.
In September 1945, President Truman sent Congress an ambitious 21-point domestic agenda which came to be known as the __________. It secured the domestic goals of his predecessor while establishing a reform program distinctly his own.
Systematic government efforts to enforce conformity began in 1944 when the __________ made the search for communists and conspiracies within the United States the centerpiece of domestic containment.
For a year from 1948 to 1949, U.S. "Candy Bombers" carried food and coal into a divided German city 24 hours a day. The __________ won the hearts of its residents and humiliated the Soviets.
George F. Kennan's idea of __________ became the foundation of U.S. foreign policy for the next four decades after World War II.
In June 1947, Truman's new Secretary of State George C. Marshall gave a speech at Harvard University outlining what he called the __________.
The __________ called for massive aid packages to help Western Europe--including West Germany--and Japan rapidly rebuild their devastated economies, restore industries and trade, and rejoin the free world.
The Emergency Farm Labor Supply, or __________, led to looser border controls and lured hundreds of thousands of Mexicans north, causing a fourfold increase in the Mexican-born population of California alone.
Two days after North Korea's invasion of its southern neighbor, the __________ met and voted to authorize a U.S.-led coalition to push communist forces back across the 38th parallel.