Craft unions representing trades such as carpenters, plumbers, and electricians dominated the largest labor organization, the __________.

Decades of corn and wheat cultivation on the Great Plains, the destruction of native grasses, and prolonged drought created the major ecological disaster of the 1930s, the __________.

In June 1933, Congress enacted the __________, which established strict guidelines for banking operations and expanded the power of the Federal Reserve System.

The __________ created a Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate stock markets and activities by brokers.

Passed in 1935, the __________ funded retirement pensions beginning at age 65, with workers' and employers' contributions.

The __________ required companies selling stock to the public to register with a federal agency and provide accurate information on what was being sold.

On March 9, 1933, the president persuaded Congress to pass an __________, which established a system to audit, loan funds to, and reopen banks under Treasury Department supervision.

Newly energized unions representing industrial workers and accepting blacks and minorities formed the __________ in 1935.

Between March and June 1933, often dubbed the __________, Roosevelt prevailed on Congress to pass fourteen pieces of major legislation.

The __________ built a network of dams and hydroelectric projects to control floods, generate power, and promote growth in a chronically poor area of the South.

In 1933, Congress created the __________, famous for its blue eagle logo, which resembled World War I programs that brought together industry leaders and labor groups to boost production.

In 1932, Hoover persuaded Congress to create the __________ to loan money to struggling banks, railroads, manufacturers, and mortgage companies.

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