Image – Racism and Nativism Resurfaced
Racism and Nativism Resurfaced Page 769
Chapter 22
Racism and Nativism Resurfaced
The ranks of the KKK swelled after 1920, especially in the Midwest. This ad for a KKK picnic and celebration in Girard, Illinois in 1924 shows the support of local business boosters for this anti-black, anti-Jewish, and anti-Catholic, nativist organization.

Questions for Analysis
1. Why do you think the picnic mixes seemingly innocuous diversions (merry-go-round, races, concert) with more serious events? How do you think the picnic organizers viewed these activities? What image of the KKK were they projecting?
2. The Ford Motor Company was one of the sponsors of the picnic. Why is this significant?