Ghastly Gastronomy Page 704

Chapter 20

Ghastly Gastronomy

Published in 1906, The Jungle shocked most readers about the sickening conditions of the meatpacking industry. Sinclair had hoped the novel would inspire a socialist revolution, but instead readers were appalled by the abysmal conditions of the meatpacking industry in Chicago. Sinclair himself noted, “I aimed at the public’s heart and by accident hit it in the stomach.”  After President Theodore Roosevelt read the novel, he launched a federal investigation into Sinclair’s claims, which were verified.  This led to the passage of the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act later that year.

Questions for Analysis

1. Shown here is the cover of the first edition of The Jungle. What themes does it convey?   Why did the publisher choose a lion as the dominant image?  What is conveyed by the backdrop of smokestacks behind the lion?

2. Compare this cover with later editions of The Jungle.  How do they differ?

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