Image – A Husband and Wife Watch Television News Coverage of the War in Vietnam
A Husband and Wife Watch Television News Coverage of the War in Vietnam Page 987
Chapter 28
A Husband and Wife Watch Television News Coverage of the War in Vietnam
The Vietnam War was the most televised war in American history up until that time. Coverage of the fighting changed American’s perceptions of the war. Scenes of battles appeared on the evening news with 24 hours. Men and women—such as the husband and wife in this photo—would return home from home to watch scenes of American soldiers burning villages or news footage of violence and mayhem in the streets of Saigon. By fall 1967, only 28 percent of the public approved of Johnson’s handling the war.

Questions for Analysis
1. Examine the photo. How are the husband and wife juxtaposed with the scene they are watching on the television? How does this juxtaposition influence the way you respond to the photo?