Image – 1954 Comic Book Depicting Captain America Smashing Communists
1954 Comic Book Depicting Captain America Smashing Communists Page 906
Chapter 26
1954 Comic Book Depicting Captain America Smashing Communists
In the early 1950s, American popular culture was influenced by the larger political struggle against communism in the United States. Marvel comic books turned its popular superhero Captain America into a “Commie Smasher” who repeatedly blunted efforts by “the betrayers” to subvert American society. In this May 1954 issue, Captain America exults after yet another treacherous plot has been foiled.

Questions for Analysis
1. Examine the comic book cover. Is the appearance of the villains in line with the way most “bad guys” are depicted in popular culture? Why or why not?
2. What do you think are the large structures in the background? What do they represent? What connection do they have with the larger Cold War struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union?