Salvatore’s Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, 9th Edition
Chapter 1-1: World's Top 20 Business Schools
Chapter 1-2: World's Top 20 Business Schools - An Alternative Ranking
Chapter 2:1: Changes in Supply and Demand Cause Large Swings in Copper
Chapter 3-1: The Education of Michael Dell
Chapter 4-1: eBay and Competition on the Internet
Chapter 4-2: Customer Satisfaction in Internet Retailing
Chapter 5: The Business Schools Rush to Start E-Commerce Programs and
Curricula Went the Way of the Dot.Coms
Chapter 6: How Good Are Growth Forecasts and How Much Are
They Revised?
Chapter 7-1: International Competitiveness and Comparative Advantage
Chapter 7-2: Toyota: The Machine that Ran Too Hot
Chapter 7-3: Streamlined Plane Making
Chapter 8-1: Motorola Stumbled and Failed to Avoid Diseconomies of Scale,
Now on a Comeback Trail
Chapter 8-2: Production and Cost Functions in Petroleum Industry
Chapter 9: Fighting the War on Drug by Reducing Demand and Supply
Chapter 10: The Market-Sharing Cartel
Chapter 11-1: The Biggest Business Failures in the United States
Chapter 11-2: Strategic Behavior in the Valley of the Spies
Chapter 12-1: First-Degree Price Discrimination at American Colleges
Chapter 12-2: The Art of Devising Airfares
Chapter 13: Occupational Licensing, Mobility, and Imperfect Labor Markets
Chapter 14: America’s Gambling Craze
Chapter 15-1: Fields of Education and Higher Lifetime Earnings in the United
Chapter 15-2: Earning by College Major in the United States, 2013-2014