The criminal process: pre-trial and trial

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. Joe is charged with being drunk and disorderly, which is a summary only offence. He intends to enter a not guilty plea. Which one of the following correctly sets out what will happen at his first appearance in the magistrates' court?

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. Amit is appearing before the magistrates' court having been charged with assaulting his next-door neighbour, Deana. He enters a not guilty plea and the magistrates set a date and give directions for his trial. Amit's solicitor applies for bail with a condition of residence at Amit's home address. Amit has three previous convictions for assaulting Deana. He has always attended court when required to do so.
Which of the following statements is correct?

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. Stephen is charged with sexual assault upon Jenna. He intends to plead not guilty. Jenna is extremely anxious about testifying and wants to know whether the media will be allowed to include her name in any reports about the case. Stephen is keen to ensure that his identity is protected as he is in the process of applying for a new job.
Which one of the following statements is correct?

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. Dan is charged with assaulting Vince. Dan accepts that he hit Vince but claims that he acted in self-defence.
Which of the following propositions concerning the burden and standard of proof is correct?

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. Patience is on trial for fraud in the Crown Court. She decides not to give evidence. Her decision is not related to any physical or mental condition; Patience simply does not want to be cross-examined.
Which one of the following statements is correct?

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